1st..when u are assign to read the below email & summary to the them who refuse to read by themselves & just want simple & easy job only (of course they are bosses) :
"C" Generation .
Main Topic
John Burns/US/HGST .
12/07 11:18 PM Outgassing Test of Min-Aik made VPC
Covers with Improved Bake TB-3089D FIPG (Sabha
Materials Lab
--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Embedded image moved to file: pic32591.jpg)-------------------------- [ ] Hitachi Confidential -------------------------- Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Materials Laboratory at San JoseOutgassing Test of Min-Aik made VPC Covers with Improved Bake TB-3089D FIPG Created Sahba Ghaderi on By: 11/18/2010 at 03:04 PM (ext. 5644) Materials Regina Strener, Sahba Lab Ghaderi Contributo rs: Submitted Guang Li Client 7782 To: Phone: Job 65021 Database HDD Server Reports Number: for Publishing : Categories Published? (for Publishing Database): Date 11/18/2010 !
File / na Received: Serial Number: Date 11/18/2010 Product Viper C Completed: Name: Customer # (ex. PMR)The gasket material (ThreeBond-3089D FIPG type) on Min-Aik made virginViper-C top covers, with new improved (5 hour) post bake, were tested foroutgassing of organic matter and comparison with the POR covers made byMiyoshi. Results obtained by DHS-GC/MS analysis under 120C/1 hour/100mlsample purge conditions showed slightly higher total outgassing levels, inPPM term, as compared with the Miyoshi made VPC covers with the same typeFIPG (62 vs 60 ug/g). The difference was much greater in ug/gasket term,mostly because of the heavier weight of the Min-Aik installed FIPG on VPCcov!
ers (1.19g vs 0.97 including the VCM damper "Donuts"). Based on theseresults the improved bake did not seem to lower the total outgassingcontent of the Min-Aik made covers. Siloxanes, however, were at loweramounts on the Min-Aik sample as compared with the last tested Miyoshi madeVPB+ cover (reference section of the data table below) .Outgassing tests were done according to Hitachi Global Storage Technologiesprocedures #18P5208, using a system comprised of a CDS-8000 series DynamicHead Space (DHS) analyzer, interfaced with an Agilent 6890/5973 GC/MS. Asection ( 0.1-0.2g of the seal material) from each sample was placed insidethe 130ml DHS chamber. After adding 1ug of HMB, as internal standard, thechamber was heated to 120oC for 1 hour, at a helium purge flow of 100ml/minute. The chamber and trap rest temperatures were at 40 and 50oC,respectively. The GC column initial temperature was 40oC and MS solventdelay was set at zero. Outgass!
ing materials collected on an integratedTenax trap were released by rap!
id heating to 280oC and transferred onto theGC column via a heated transfer line. Quantitative measurement of thedetected materials were done according to the above mentioned procedure.Results obtained by DHS-GC/MS outgassing test of a samples of gaskets, madeof ThreeBond 3089D FIPG, removed from virgin Min-Aik made Viper-C topcovers, are listed in data table below. The levels of outgassingorganics, including siloxane, are compared with those of previously testedvirgin and file level Miyoshi made Viper-B+ cover gaskets (no data wereavailable for VPC) . Please see the summary section above and the tablefootnotes for more information. Outgassing Test of Improved Bake ThreeBond-3089D FIPG on Min-Aik Made Viper-C Top Covers-----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+---------- Total Total LIMS Gasket Material Organics Org!
anics Siloxanes No. by by (3) DHS-GC/MS DHS-GC/MS (ng/g = (1) (1) PPB) (ug/g = (ug/gasket PPM) )(2) -----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+---------- TB-3089D FIPG 62 74 22 65021 from Min-Aik made virgin VPC (1.19g (26 top cover each) ng/gasket) (with Improved, 5 hour, Bake) -----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+---------- Reference Data - Virgin VPB+ Cover -----+---------------------------!
----+----------+----------+---------- TB-3089D FIPG !
60 58 61 55831 from Miyoshi made virgin VPB+ (0.97g (59 top cover each) ng/gasket) (Date Code V2-22-63) -----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+---------- Reference Data - File Level VPB+ Cover -----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+---------- TB-3089D FIPG 36 33 25 54142 Viper-B+ File #JMVD5JVD, PMR (0.93g #1330 each) (cut from the top cover) -----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+---------- TB-3089D FIPG 38 35 15 54102 Viper!
-B+ File #JMVD5H1D, PMR (0.93g #1325 each) (cut from the top cover) -----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+----------(1) Listed are average values for multiple (normally 2-3) samples. Alltests were performed under 120oC / 1 hour / 100 ml sample purge conditions.(2) Nominal weights of gaskets, including the 3 VCM dampers "donuts" - 0.12g total - were measured by removing the FIPG materials from the top covers.(3) These values are significantly affected by contributions from thecover, CLD, gasket installation process, the age of the sample, and itspackaging/storage conditions, as well as any handling it may haveexperienced prior to submission for analysis.----------------------------------------------------------------------------Hitachi GST Confidential Changed By JohnBest RegardsCK TeoMechanical Components Engineerin!
gHITACHI Global Storage Technologies Singapore Pte LtdDID: (65) 6840 93!
81Email: chyekhin.teo@hitachigst.com Chye Khin Teo/Singapore/HGS T To "cliff min aik" 12/09/2010 02:31 <clifflim@minaik.com.sg> PM cc MowHuang.Ang@hitachigst.com, Phenena.DelosReyes@hitachigst.com Subject Re: VPC TC Outgas Report (SJ ChemI) -resubmission(Document link: Chye Khin Teo)Cliff,Looking at the ChemI reports, I do not know exactly what are the actualsettings you have produced for the 2nd submission samples and 1stsubmission samples. The results is so much different from ChemI & SGP MSLtest results !
even though they are produced. at different lots due toshipment damage.Ist submission ChemI results also using 6000 mJ/cm2 and 4 hour baking ?I propose to re-do this group. They can use this as reference as all thesediffereent experiments are produced with the latest knowledge of UV ovenand baking oven characteristics.Below is ChemI report on Outgassing test results for the 2nd submissionsample : Outgassing Test of Improved Bake ThreeBond-3089D FIPG on Min-Aik Made Viper-C Top Covers-----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+---------- Total Total LIMS Gasket Material Organics Organics Siloxanes No. by by (3) DHS-GC/MS DHS-GC/MS (ng/g = (1) (1) PPB) !
(ug/g = (ug/gasket !
PPM) )(2) -----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+---------- TB-3089D FIPG 62 74 22 65021 from Min-Aik made virgin VPC (1.19g (26 top cover each) ng/gasket) (with Improved, 5 hour, Bake) -----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+----------Best RegardsCK TeoMechanical Components EngineeringHITACHI Global Storage Technologies Singapore Pte LtdDID: (65) 6840 9381Email: chyekhin.teo@hitachigst.com "cliff min aik" <clifflim@minaik. com.sg> To <ChyeKhin.Teo@hitachigst.com> 12/09/2010 12:03 cc PM <Phenena.DelosReyes@hitachigst.com> !
, <MowHuang.Ang@hitachigst.com> Subject Re: VPC TC Outgas Report (SJ ChemI) -resubmissionCK,Since our current process is 6000 for 5hrs and result from SJ was not good,no point having shorter baking time.Regards,Cliff LimMin Aik International Development (S) Pte. Ltd.Tel:65-64880312----- Original Message -----From: <ChyeKhin.Teo@hitachigst.com>To: "cliff min aik" <clifflim@minaik.com.sg>Cc: <Phenena.DelosReyes@hitachigst.com>; <MowHuang.Ang@hitachigst.com>Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 11:33 AMSubject: Re: VPC TC Outgas Report (SJ ChemI) -resubmissionHi Cliff,What about 6000mJ/cm2 for 4 hours ? Did not see any grouping.By copy Nick, any comments ?Best RegardsCK TeoMechanical Components EngineeringHITACHI Global Storage Technologies Singapore Pte LtdDID: (65) 6840 9381Email: chyekhin.teo@hitachigst.com !
"cliff min aik" <clifflim@minaik. com.sg> !
To <Phenena.DelosReyes@hitachigst.com> 12/09/2010 09:24 , <ChyeKhin.Teo@hitachigst.com> AM cc Subject Re: VPC TC Outgas Report (SJ ChemI) -resubmissionCK,Attached is a matrix proposal and schedule for the resubmission to CHEMI.We think that 0.5 hrs incremental step as effective.Group 1 is the current baseline.Please review and comment and discuss.Regards,Cliff LimMin Aik International Development (S) Pte. Ltd.Tel:65-64880312----- Original Message -----From: <ChyeKhin.Teo@hitachigst.com>To: <Phenena.DelosReyes@hitachigst.com>; "'cliff min aik'"<clifflim@minaik.com.sg>Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 11:50 AMSubject: Re: VPC TC Outgas Report (SJ ChemI)Hi Phen!
/ CliffAccording to Cliff :"We shipped ChemI and MSL (second submission) samples on 28th Oct, then itwas found that the tray was not holding the parts and samples dislodged anddamaged.The Chemi samples were also similar but SJ used some of those that were notaffected, while SGP samples were returned.We subsequently built and send replacement samples to SGP HGST lab on8/Nov.The samples were built with similar settings of UV dosage 6000+/-200, andbaked at 150C for 5hrs.The above were the differences we found so far."I have ask Min Aik to study if they are able to produce new samples withthe following setting for SJ (as propose by SJ) :1) 6000 mJ/cm2 (per MinAik meter) all with 4 hour postbake.2) 9000 mJ/cm2 (per MinAik meter) all with 4 hour postbake.3) 12000 mJ/cm2 (per MinAik meter) all with 4 hour postbake.Quantity same as previous submission, n=8pcs eachmaybe have to include samples for SGP MSL.This will require Min Aik to turn on at least 1 more UV lamps and reduc!
ingthe conveyor speed to get new propose UV dosage. Please note the UV!
dosagevalues are per Min Aik meter which measures close to 2x HGST meter.Are the 'damaged' covers meant for dryness test and MSL samples still withyou ? These 'damaged' covers are of same vintage as the ones send to SJ.Possible to re-submit to MSL for comparison with POR samples.Best RegardsCK TeoMechanical Components EngineeringHITACHI Global Storage Technologies Singapore Pte LtdDID: (65) 6840 9381Email: chyekhin.teo@hitachigst.com Phenena Delos Reyes/Singapore/H GST To "'cliff min aik'" 12/08/2010 11:28 <clifflim@minaik.com.sg>, Chye Khin AM Teo/Singapore/HGST@HGST cc Subject VPC TC Outgas Report (SJ ChemI)Cliff,See !
attached outgassing result of the re-submitted samples to SJ. Resultshowed no improvement. First thing is we want to understand if the samplesshipped to SJ is same production date or same batch as the samples for SGMSL. 2nd thing, is we want to do study on the setting of the oven bakingand the UV setting. It is better if have a meeting to come up with plan.Pls discuss first the SJ result to your MATC.CK,Can we arrange for the meeting next week when you come back from businesstrip?----- Forwarded by John Burns/US/HGST on 11/17/2010 03:24 PM -----(Embedded image moved to file: pic01842.jpg)-------------------------- [ ] Hitachi Confidential -------------------------- Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Materials Laboratory at San JoseMinAik VPC FIPG (w/ Improved Baking) => Outgassing/NMR Created John Burns on By: 11/17/2010 at 03:07 PM (ext. 7550) Materials Cynthia Delenia, John Lab Burns Contributo rs: Submitted Guang Li!
Client 7782 To: !
Phone: Job 64996 Database HDD Server Reports Number: for Publishing : Categories Published? (for Publishing Database): Date 11/15/2010 File / na Received: Serial Number: Date 11/17/2010 Product Viper C Completed: Name: Customer # (ex. PMR)Per the customer input below... samples of MinAik VPC FIPG have beenassessed via outgassing/nmr."Min Aik came back with extending the FIPG baking to 5 hours to fix theoutgassing problem, and submitted sample for outgassing test. I will bringthe samples to you later. The pr!
evious NMR test results indicated theoutgassing is higher than POR(Document link: Database 'Materials Lab LIMS',View 'Jobs', Document 'MinAik VPC FIPG => Outgassing/NMR'). Please test theFIPG for outgassing. Thanks." (GLi, 11/15/10)Background => SJ ML LIMS Report #59847 => "Characterization of Threebond's 3089D FIPG (II)" => (Document link: Database '"D" Generation Teamroom', View 'By Author', Document 'Characterization of Threebond's 3089D FIPG (II)'). SJ ML LIMS Report #59848 => "TB3089D FIPG Outgassing" => (Document link: Database '"D" Generation Teamroom', View 'By Author', Document 'TB3089D FIPG Outgassing'). SJ ML LIMS Report #64373 => "MinAik VPC FIPG => Outgassing/NMR => (Document link: Database 'Viper-C Teamroom', View 'By Author', Document 'MinAik VPC FIPG => Outgassing/NMR').Outgassing/NMR Results => FIPG from 2x MinAikVPC covers... were subjected to Kynol trapping at 100°C for 24h. The trapped organics were isolated via Soxhlet extractio!
n (CDCl3) and characterized via proton nmr. Via outgassing/nmr... t!
he "improved bake" did not reduce the FIPG outgassing.---------------------+------------------------+------------------ VPC Cover FIPG FIPG Oligomer Outgassing Acrylate (ppm) Outgassing (ppm) ---------------------+------------------------+------------------ MinAik Qual 1179 27 ---------------------+------------------------+------------------MinAik Improved Bake 1478 7 ---------------------+------------------------+------------------Regards,Phenena Delos ReyesDirect: +65 68406378(See attached file: Sample resubmission to SJ NMR proposal.ppt)
Main Topic
John Burns/US/HGST .
12/07 11:18 PM Outgassing Test of Min-Aik made VPC
Covers with Improved Bake TB-3089D FIPG (Sabha
Materials Lab
--------------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Embedded image moved to file: pic32591.jpg)-------------------------- [ ] Hitachi Confidential -------------------------- Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Materials Laboratory at San JoseOutgassing Test of Min-Aik made VPC Covers with Improved Bake TB-3089D FIPG Created Sahba Ghaderi on By: 11/18/2010 at 03:04 PM (ext. 5644) Materials Regina Strener, Sahba Lab Ghaderi Contributo rs: Submitted Guang Li Client 7782 To: Phone: Job 65021 Database HDD Server Reports Number: for Publishing : Categories Published? (for Publishing Database): Date 11/18/2010 !
File / na Received: Serial Number: Date 11/18/2010 Product Viper C Completed: Name: Customer # (ex. PMR)The gasket material (ThreeBond-3089D FIPG type) on Min-Aik made virginViper-C top covers, with new improved (5 hour) post bake, were tested foroutgassing of organic matter and comparison with the POR covers made byMiyoshi. Results obtained by DHS-GC/MS analysis under 120C/1 hour/100mlsample purge conditions showed slightly higher total outgassing levels, inPPM term, as compared with the Miyoshi made VPC covers with the same typeFIPG (62 vs 60 ug/g). The difference was much greater in ug/gasket term,mostly because of the heavier weight of the Min-Aik installed FIPG on VPCcov!
ers (1.19g vs 0.97 including the VCM damper "Donuts"). Based on theseresults the improved bake did not seem to lower the total outgassingcontent of the Min-Aik made covers. Siloxanes, however, were at loweramounts on the Min-Aik sample as compared with the last tested Miyoshi madeVPB+ cover (reference section of the data table below) .Outgassing tests were done according to Hitachi Global Storage Technologiesprocedures #18P5208, using a system comprised of a CDS-8000 series DynamicHead Space (DHS) analyzer, interfaced with an Agilent 6890/5973 GC/MS. Asection ( 0.1-0.2g of the seal material) from each sample was placed insidethe 130ml DHS chamber. After adding 1ug of HMB, as internal standard, thechamber was heated to 120oC for 1 hour, at a helium purge flow of 100ml/minute. The chamber and trap rest temperatures were at 40 and 50oC,respectively. The GC column initial temperature was 40oC and MS solventdelay was set at zero. Outgass!
ing materials collected on an integratedTenax trap were released by rap!
id heating to 280oC and transferred onto theGC column via a heated transfer line. Quantitative measurement of thedetected materials were done according to the above mentioned procedure.Results obtained by DHS-GC/MS outgassing test of a samples of gaskets, madeof ThreeBond 3089D FIPG, removed from virgin Min-Aik made Viper-C topcovers, are listed in data table below. The levels of outgassingorganics, including siloxane, are compared with those of previously testedvirgin and file level Miyoshi made Viper-B+ cover gaskets (no data wereavailable for VPC) . Please see the summary section above and the tablefootnotes for more information. Outgassing Test of Improved Bake ThreeBond-3089D FIPG on Min-Aik Made Viper-C Top Covers-----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+---------- Total Total LIMS Gasket Material Organics Org!
anics Siloxanes No. by by (3) DHS-GC/MS DHS-GC/MS (ng/g = (1) (1) PPB) (ug/g = (ug/gasket PPM) )(2) -----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+---------- TB-3089D FIPG 62 74 22 65021 from Min-Aik made virgin VPC (1.19g (26 top cover each) ng/gasket) (with Improved, 5 hour, Bake) -----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+---------- Reference Data - Virgin VPB+ Cover -----+---------------------------!
----+----------+----------+---------- TB-3089D FIPG !
60 58 61 55831 from Miyoshi made virgin VPB+ (0.97g (59 top cover each) ng/gasket) (Date Code V2-22-63) -----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+---------- Reference Data - File Level VPB+ Cover -----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+---------- TB-3089D FIPG 36 33 25 54142 Viper-B+ File #JMVD5JVD, PMR (0.93g #1330 each) (cut from the top cover) -----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+---------- TB-3089D FIPG 38 35 15 54102 Viper!
-B+ File #JMVD5H1D, PMR (0.93g #1325 each) (cut from the top cover) -----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+----------(1) Listed are average values for multiple (normally 2-3) samples. Alltests were performed under 120oC / 1 hour / 100 ml sample purge conditions.(2) Nominal weights of gaskets, including the 3 VCM dampers "donuts" - 0.12g total - were measured by removing the FIPG materials from the top covers.(3) These values are significantly affected by contributions from thecover, CLD, gasket installation process, the age of the sample, and itspackaging/storage conditions, as well as any handling it may haveexperienced prior to submission for analysis.----------------------------------------------------------------------------Hitachi GST Confidential Changed By JohnBest RegardsCK TeoMechanical Components Engineerin!
gHITACHI Global Storage Technologies Singapore Pte LtdDID: (65) 6840 93!
81Email: chyekhin.teo@hitachigst.com Chye Khin Teo/Singapore/HGS T To "cliff min aik" 12/09/2010 02:31 <clifflim@minaik.com.sg> PM cc MowHuang.Ang@hitachigst.com, Phenena.DelosReyes@hitachigst.com Subject Re: VPC TC Outgas Report (SJ ChemI) -resubmission(Document link: Chye Khin Teo)Cliff,Looking at the ChemI reports, I do not know exactly what are the actualsettings you have produced for the 2nd submission samples and 1stsubmission samples. The results is so much different from ChemI & SGP MSLtest results !
even though they are produced. at different lots due toshipment damage.Ist submission ChemI results also using 6000 mJ/cm2 and 4 hour baking ?I propose to re-do this group. They can use this as reference as all thesediffereent experiments are produced with the latest knowledge of UV ovenand baking oven characteristics.Below is ChemI report on Outgassing test results for the 2nd submissionsample : Outgassing Test of Improved Bake ThreeBond-3089D FIPG on Min-Aik Made Viper-C Top Covers-----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+---------- Total Total LIMS Gasket Material Organics Organics Siloxanes No. by by (3) DHS-GC/MS DHS-GC/MS (ng/g = (1) (1) PPB) !
(ug/g = (ug/gasket !
PPM) )(2) -----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+---------- TB-3089D FIPG 62 74 22 65021 from Min-Aik made virgin VPC (1.19g (26 top cover each) ng/gasket) (with Improved, 5 hour, Bake) -----+-------------------------------+----------+----------+----------Best RegardsCK TeoMechanical Components EngineeringHITACHI Global Storage Technologies Singapore Pte LtdDID: (65) 6840 9381Email: chyekhin.teo@hitachigst.com "cliff min aik" <clifflim@minaik. com.sg> To <ChyeKhin.Teo@hitachigst.com> 12/09/2010 12:03 cc PM <Phenena.DelosReyes@hitachigst.com> !
, <MowHuang.Ang@hitachigst.com> Subject Re: VPC TC Outgas Report (SJ ChemI) -resubmissionCK,Since our current process is 6000 for 5hrs and result from SJ was not good,no point having shorter baking time.Regards,Cliff LimMin Aik International Development (S) Pte. Ltd.Tel:65-64880312----- Original Message -----From: <ChyeKhin.Teo@hitachigst.com>To: "cliff min aik" <clifflim@minaik.com.sg>Cc: <Phenena.DelosReyes@hitachigst.com>; <MowHuang.Ang@hitachigst.com>Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2010 11:33 AMSubject: Re: VPC TC Outgas Report (SJ ChemI) -resubmissionHi Cliff,What about 6000mJ/cm2 for 4 hours ? Did not see any grouping.By copy Nick, any comments ?Best RegardsCK TeoMechanical Components EngineeringHITACHI Global Storage Technologies Singapore Pte LtdDID: (65) 6840 9381Email: chyekhin.teo@hitachigst.com !
"cliff min aik" <clifflim@minaik. com.sg> !
To <Phenena.DelosReyes@hitachigst.com> 12/09/2010 09:24 , <ChyeKhin.Teo@hitachigst.com> AM cc Subject Re: VPC TC Outgas Report (SJ ChemI) -resubmissionCK,Attached is a matrix proposal and schedule for the resubmission to CHEMI.We think that 0.5 hrs incremental step as effective.Group 1 is the current baseline.Please review and comment and discuss.Regards,Cliff LimMin Aik International Development (S) Pte. Ltd.Tel:65-64880312----- Original Message -----From: <ChyeKhin.Teo@hitachigst.com>To: <Phenena.DelosReyes@hitachigst.com>; "'cliff min aik'"<clifflim@minaik.com.sg>Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2010 11:50 AMSubject: Re: VPC TC Outgas Report (SJ ChemI)Hi Phen!
/ CliffAccording to Cliff :"We shipped ChemI and MSL (second submission) samples on 28th Oct, then itwas found that the tray was not holding the parts and samples dislodged anddamaged.The Chemi samples were also similar but SJ used some of those that were notaffected, while SGP samples were returned.We subsequently built and send replacement samples to SGP HGST lab on8/Nov.The samples were built with similar settings of UV dosage 6000+/-200, andbaked at 150C for 5hrs.The above were the differences we found so far."I have ask Min Aik to study if they are able to produce new samples withthe following setting for SJ (as propose by SJ) :1) 6000 mJ/cm2 (per MinAik meter) all with 4 hour postbake.2) 9000 mJ/cm2 (per MinAik meter) all with 4 hour postbake.3) 12000 mJ/cm2 (per MinAik meter) all with 4 hour postbake.Quantity same as previous submission, n=8pcs eachmaybe have to include samples for SGP MSL.This will require Min Aik to turn on at least 1 more UV lamps and reduc!
ingthe conveyor speed to get new propose UV dosage. Please note the UV!
dosagevalues are per Min Aik meter which measures close to 2x HGST meter.Are the 'damaged' covers meant for dryness test and MSL samples still withyou ? These 'damaged' covers are of same vintage as the ones send to SJ.Possible to re-submit to MSL for comparison with POR samples.Best RegardsCK TeoMechanical Components EngineeringHITACHI Global Storage Technologies Singapore Pte LtdDID: (65) 6840 9381Email: chyekhin.teo@hitachigst.com Phenena Delos Reyes/Singapore/H GST To "'cliff min aik'" 12/08/2010 11:28 <clifflim@minaik.com.sg>, Chye Khin AM Teo/Singapore/HGST@HGST cc Subject VPC TC Outgas Report (SJ ChemI)Cliff,See !
attached outgassing result of the re-submitted samples to SJ. Resultshowed no improvement. First thing is we want to understand if the samplesshipped to SJ is same production date or same batch as the samples for SGMSL. 2nd thing, is we want to do study on the setting of the oven bakingand the UV setting. It is better if have a meeting to come up with plan.Pls discuss first the SJ result to your MATC.CK,Can we arrange for the meeting next week when you come back from businesstrip?----- Forwarded by John Burns/US/HGST on 11/17/2010 03:24 PM -----(Embedded image moved to file: pic01842.jpg)-------------------------- [ ] Hitachi Confidential -------------------------- Hitachi Global Storage Technologies Materials Laboratory at San JoseMinAik VPC FIPG (w/ Improved Baking) => Outgassing/NMR Created John Burns on By: 11/17/2010 at 03:07 PM (ext. 7550) Materials Cynthia Delenia, John Lab Burns Contributo rs: Submitted Guang Li!
Client 7782 To: !
Phone: Job 64996 Database HDD Server Reports Number: for Publishing : Categories Published? (for Publishing Database): Date 11/15/2010 File / na Received: Serial Number: Date 11/17/2010 Product Viper C Completed: Name: Customer # (ex. PMR)Per the customer input below... samples of MinAik VPC FIPG have beenassessed via outgassing/nmr."Min Aik came back with extending the FIPG baking to 5 hours to fix theoutgassing problem, and submitted sample for outgassing test. I will bringthe samples to you later. The pr!
evious NMR test results indicated theoutgassing is higher than POR(Document link: Database 'Materials Lab LIMS',View 'Jobs', Document 'MinAik VPC FIPG => Outgassing/NMR'). Please test theFIPG for outgassing. Thanks." (GLi, 11/15/10)Background => SJ ML LIMS Report #59847 => "Characterization of Threebond's 3089D FIPG (II)" => (Document link: Database '"D" Generation Teamroom', View 'By Author', Document 'Characterization of Threebond's 3089D FIPG (II)'). SJ ML LIMS Report #59848 => "TB3089D FIPG Outgassing" => (Document link: Database '"D" Generation Teamroom', View 'By Author', Document 'TB3089D FIPG Outgassing'). SJ ML LIMS Report #64373 => "MinAik VPC FIPG => Outgassing/NMR => (Document link: Database 'Viper-C Teamroom', View 'By Author', Document 'MinAik VPC FIPG => Outgassing/NMR').Outgassing/NMR Results => FIPG from 2x MinAikVPC covers... were subjected to Kynol trapping at 100°C for 24h. The trapped organics were isolated via Soxhlet extractio!
n (CDCl3) and characterized via proton nmr. Via outgassing/nmr... t!
he "improved bake" did not reduce the FIPG outgassing.---------------------+------------------------+------------------ VPC Cover FIPG FIPG Oligomer Outgassing Acrylate (ppm) Outgassing (ppm) ---------------------+------------------------+------------------ MinAik Qual 1179 27 ---------------------+------------------------+------------------MinAik Improved Bake 1478 7 ---------------------+------------------------+------------------Regards,Phenena Delos ReyesDirect: +65 68406378(See attached file: Sample resubmission to SJ NMR proposal.ppt)
2nd...when u completed the task already but ur bos ask u to compare with HQ file which almost 99% in Chinese language. The excel file row from A-->AG & column from 1-->129. Seems everyone was busy & it's very hard to ask them translate all & the time is limit.

Feel the pressure? a little bit..because u still have time skype with friends & u always prefer last minute work..ahahahaha..just cheer up myself!
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