Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kenangan Ramadhan 2010

Kenangan bersama adik2 di perantauan- bawa Uni & family pi jenjalan.Actually diorang dr Kuantan hantar biskut raya yg ditempah & juga utk diletak di kedai.Alang2 bawa gi jln sekitar Dataran Pahlawan & bangunan bersejarah.Kemudian berkumpul utk berbuka puasa bersama ngan Eka & Zarin sekali kat Shah Beach Resort.Dua org ni la yg stay kat Melaka jugak & that day dua2 keja so tak join kami2 ni bersiar2, just join berbuka je.

About the resort (promot skit)..terletak di Tanjung Kling,Melaka.the design is traditional ttp ada kolam renang jugak. Just nearby laut Selat Melaka,very nice scenery nk tgk matahari terbenam,ada padang bola,open surau & peralatan senamrobik.Flyers dah hilangkan,so sapa2 berminat cuba search kat intenet for the price & details.Utk berbuka puasa just RM25 nett/adult & RM18 nett/child. So they will prepare upon request.

My 2nd sis,Uni & family

Kekenyangan after berbuka puasa.Lepak di lobby resort.

Gambar juadah tak sempat amik sbb rakus sgt berbuka..kuikuikui.
Kenangan yg tak dpt dilupakan,maybe sepanjang hayat-mata terkena gam gajah 5 hari sblm Raya. Gara2 siapkan rumah kayu utk Contest Aidilfitri anjuran company. Don’t ask me a stupid question again, why I put it on my eyes. But it was really terrible! Berjalan unstable dgn sebelah mata takleh bukak & Aqil sendiri pon takut tgk muka mama..uhuhuhu.

At the first time, mmg takleh bukak mata sebelah kiri & directly Papa bring to Klinik 24 Jam Asuza but they advised us to go directly to Hospital Alor Gajah. There, the nurse try to wash my eye with some liquid & gratefuI I can open half. Anyway, they refuse to precede,worry others impact & refer me to GH to meet expert on the next day. Finally the doc need to remove my eye lash sbb takbleh di selamatkan lagi.Ouchh!! Mmg sakit for every single bulu yg dicabut. The moral of the story,never,never & NEVER face the opening of any container/paste semasa buka or picit.

Inilah decoration Aidilftir yg cuba di siapkan.

Dapat hadiah penyertaan je, biksut Almond London.

Keadaan mata setelah balik dr Hospital Alor Gajah. bleh bukak cikit je.

Keadaan bila berspek spek mata ni skang sudah bersih slps dicuci dgn acetone (sib baik bleh amik lab duit takyah buat spec baru).

Oklah kawan2, nti sy update gambar & cerita heppy berhari raya pula ye.


  1. eddd...siannye. skang da sembuh btul kan

  2. lawaknya hg edd, sampai kena gam gajah kat mata..

    dah tumbuh blum bulu mata baru? ke pakai bulu mata palsu?
