Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Monday, March 21, 2011

Saya Jahat??

Kenapa saya nk berenti , bos cakap sy jahat?

"Saya tak tahu la Nurul ni jenis org mcm mana, baik ke jahat"

Yes, after he help me a lot! Should I refund by stay loyal until end of company life?
I also have my own ambition. My own dream.

I said want to further study, u say cannot.
I plan for 2nd bb, u say hold first until my child grow up (Looks my maternity leave become disaster to him)
I want to seek long holiday, everyone must standby. Make all hate me.

Until now, going to 7th years..i have no more job satisfaction & the environment become weird to me at all.


  1. jadi dgn mengambil KPLI/DPLI mmg adalah langkah terbaik utk ko...

    tp, kalu btul ko dh nekad, teruskan langkah, jgn peduli dia kata apa... btul dia byk tlg ko, tp ko kena tlg diri sendiri skrg ni...

  2. edd.. citer la pasal china...upload gambar byk2... ada rezeki aku nk follow pegi sana.... :)

  3. thanks kay..aku pon tgh mengusyar keja lain jugak n cari the best reason for resign.

    Dillot, nti aku buat edisi khas gi China,skang bz gilos ada customer audit. mmg la malang aku tak bawak kena tunggu kawan2 lain upload.

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  5. sabar itu indah.. tawakkal itu nikmat, redha itu berkat...
