Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Friday, June 18, 2010

If U miss me Much Much Much

To all my beloved frends, I have lost my hp since last Monday (14 June). I will remain use the same no but at the moment still cannot seek leave yet to go Celcom centre.Anyhow, if you miss me much pls email,YM or skype me. Of course can leave msg here also lor, I will regularly check to know who miss me much much much more!



  1. wehh... nnt bila dh kompem ko bleh pakai no lama lg, bitau kat sini aa... nnt aku bleh misscall...

    aku takleh YM, takleh SKYPE... eh, email ofis ko valid lg tak? dh takde dpt emel2 terkini dr ko pun...

  2. yup auntie kay,thanks for be the first person miss me much.
    email ofice valid selagi tak tukar keja..cuma takde email2 best nk fwd hehhehe
