Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Oo Oh Ada Pencuri Coklat

Satu achievement baru utk Aqil,ye hari ni berjaya buka peti ais sendiri...but for me huhuhuhu need extra monitoring his movement.

First time Aqil bukak, smpi jatuh terduduk tarik pintu ais,pastu grab 1 ketul coklat,tp mama tolong bukakan kulit,then he go away keluar main kat parking....

Tgh syok mama bertenet,Aqil masuk semula & straight ke dapur.Terpaksa mama follow dia lagik,bukakan kulit then he go away lagi with the choc & mama smbung 'keja' mama semula....

Again,he come & straight to the kitchen tp mama dah mls nk follow.Tunggu punya tunggu punye la lama dia kat dapur,mama terpaksa jengah jugak....amboi3,bestnya dia berkampung kat the photos of budak tomot tu

You were caught! Raise up your hands

Hihihihihi..muka tak bersalah pon padahal tgn penuh genggam choc

Nah! Kasi mama satu...OoooOO cuba nk bodek ni

One more achievement...dah pandai bukak kulit choc sendiri


  1. anak omputih... pakai kasut dlm umah... hihihih

  2. act pakai kasut sbb aqil main kat parking luar tp biase la dia suka suki ulang alik kuar masuk rumah..kena plak mama yg mls,biarkan je hihihihi

  3. comotnyeee....haha
    mesti mu tk sempat boring sbb mcm2 dia buat.

  4. uhuhuhu..betul mok pah.tak sempat rileks pon ye
